Saturday 8 January 2011

My best films of 2010

Ok so I admit I messed up big time by not seeing The Social Network, Inception and Shutter Island and I do accept that they are all great films from the reviews they got and what I have heard about them from people I know.

But I did see at least four good films last year. It did take me a while to think of this list. Is the movie industry really in that much trouble that it takes me, a film student, nearly 40 minutes to think of four good films I saw last year?

There's film are in no specific order.

Exit Through The Gift Shop

Exit Through The Gift Shop is technically a film, its a documentary, and a very good one at that. Originally Thierry Guetta was going to try find and film notorious English graffiti artist Banksy. But something stange happened when Thierry did finally locate Banksy, Banksy decided Thierry was a far more interesting person so decided to make the film about Thierry's graffiti adventure. I personally think the film would of been better if it stuck to watching Banksy at work, but it does have a strangely motivational theme to it. As my girlfriend told me when we first watched it together, "It really makes you want to do some art" (I should probably point out my girlfriend is a art student not a graffiti artist).

The film includes graffiti artist's such as obviously Banksy, Shepard Fairy and Space Invader.
The reason I bought this film without seeing it at the cinemas was simple. I am a massive Banksy fan.

Kick Ass

Kick Ass is magnificent. Genius. Brilliant. As is the comic that goes hand in hand with the film.

Co-written by Matthew Vaughn and Jane Goldman and directed by Vaughn and staring Aaron Johnson there is a very british  feel to the film. Even though the film is technically American, literally everything about the film, apart from the money behind it and Nicolas Cage, is British.

The film is about a geeky comic book enthusiast  who decides to become a real life super hero.

The film is just amazing..... The direction Is the best I have seen in a long long time and the acting is brilliant.  Kick Ass took the comic book genre and turned it completely upside down, which I think is a good thing, hopefully this will last and we wont see comic book films such as Catwomen and Hulk anymore.  The film has done so well there is already talks of a sequel, which will have the original cast and crew.

But there is only one question on my mind regarding Kick Ass...... Can the second be as good as the first one?

The Expendables 

The Expendables is not really my sort of film. It stars every action movie star..... ever, and is simply an hour and half of gunfire and things blowing up. BUT it works. I enjoyed it a lot.

Written, directed and staring Sylvester Stallone The Expendables does have some questionable features. For me Jet Li does not feature enough. Most of the film is Stallone and Jason Statham blowing stuff up and shooting people.

There is one very special scene though. Its in a church. It shows three 80's action movie hero's all together. For the first time ever. This scene shows Sylvester Stallone, Bruce Willis and Arnold Schwarzenegger, who came out of retirement  to cameo in the film.

A second highlight of the film is Mickey Rouke. Rouke only has a small part but due to his fantastic lines and acting he is the one character I can remember the most. He plays a tattoo artist and I think he is an ex Expendable.

Scott Pilgrim Vs The World

Edgar Wright..... Comic book film...... Edgar Wright..... Comic book film..... Wow. Whoever said "I know lets get Edgar Wright to direct a Scott Pilgrim film" needs a medal.

The film is simple. Scott Pilgrim falls in love, but before he can live happily ever after with his new love, he has to defeat her seven evil ex boyfriends. Simple right?

There are many reasons I love this film.
1. Its based on a comic book - I love comic books
2. Edgar Wright directs it - I love Edgar Wright
3. Scott plays in a band - I love music
4. Its an amazing film - I love a good film
5. There are numerous references to classic video games - I love classic video games

Wrights directing style is perfect for this film. I am glad Simon Pegg and Nick Frost don't appear in the film after rumours the may cameo. I think the film works perfectly as it is.

There are currently six Scott Pilgrim books, If the cast and crew were to sign on to do five more movies I will not complain about numerous sequels, but somehow I can not see that happening.

So please Hollywood, leave it at one.

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