Friday 14 January 2011

Inception - The greatest film ever?

To say that Christopher Nolan's Inception is a fantastic film is an understatement. The film is a work of genius.

When my sister first told me the plot of Inception, I wasn't sure about it. Dreams within dreams within dreams to be honest it all sounded a bit too confusing for my simple mind. But after finally watching it last night, I have to agree with all the critics and my sister in saying that Inception is an outstanding cinema achievement.

The film is a dream for people like me who are not only studying film but visual effects as well, there are over 500 special effects shot's in the film, which if they had been differently, would look awful. But this is Christopher Nolan, the man who brought Batman back from the dead, and lets be honest, anybody who can do that, can probably do anything.

The cast also makes the film enjoyable to watch. Before watching this I wasn't Leonardo DiCaprio's biggest fan, but he impressed me, very much in his role as Cobb. A supporting cast that includes an unbelievably cool Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Brit Tom Hardy and Cillian Murphy as well as small roles for British acting legends Michael Caine and Pete Postlethwaite. But the actress that surprised me most was Ellen Page. I must admit I have only seen her in is Juno. I admit that because I have only seen her in Juno I thought she was just another teen comedy actress, Oh I was wrong..... very wrong as she wowed me in the film, she is the only character that understands what is going on in Cobb's mind and to fully understand that, you must be pretty smart, she is, she is also an outstanding actress.

I would gladly champion this film as the best film ever. Ok it's only just come out on dvd but lets look at the facts. It has an amazing cast that are all flawless, the director is a genius, the story and plot are brilliant and not confusing at all and the special effects are breath-taking. I can see this film been in many peoples top 5 films of al time....... Its certainly is in mine.

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