Tuesday 8 February 2011

The Coen Brothers - Film Gods

What I have come to notice is that there is a small circle of directors who are always releasing new films wether directing them or producing them. Steven Spielberg has his hand in nearly every film...ever, James Cameron has been producing T.V documentaries in the last couple of years as well as directing a small film known as Avatar. And then there are The Coen Brothers have released films almost every year since there feature debut Blood Simple in 1984. At most the brothers have taken a 3 year gap between films. The Coen Brothers are not making films just to earn millions. The Coen Brothers enjoy making films. 

I can remember watching Burn After Reading for the first time and thinking, there is something different about this film. Something wonderful. Burn After Reading was the first Coen Brothers film I saw and I instantly fell in love with the films by Joel and Ethan Coen. 

In my opinion their 2007 oscar winning No Country For Old Men is the best film the pair have done. A friend of mine recently described it as "Quite" I understand exactly what they mean, there are death's in the film but on a whole the film is very quite. 

In a strange way I think we have Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino to thank for Josh Brolin been cast in the main role. While making Grindhouse Brolin's audition tape was filmed by Rodriguez and directed by Tarantino. When The Coen's saw it... all they said was that they loved the lighting. 

The cast of Tommy Lee Jones, Javier Bardem and Josh Brolin along with The Coen's in the director's seat's No Country For Old Men became an instant classic.

In a few weeks I will be attending a special talk all about The Coen Brothers, which I am very much looking forward to. The talk also involves a screening of the brothers new film True Grit. The talk will defiantly be a highlight of my week and will hopefully insight me more on my directing hero's. 

One last note going back to Burn After Reading, I don't particularly like Brad Pitt, but I do in Burn After Reading, he makes me laugh, I like his character. Dare I even say it but I like Pitt's performance. Their ability to work with superstar actor's is something I look up to.

I look at The Coen Brothers and think "Thats what I want to be in the film world". Watch out Coen's Im coming for you.

Joel and Ethan Coen. You are cinema god's. 

1 comment:

  1. Insightful read, I also had my reservations on Brad Pitt, but seeing Burn After Reading and Inglorious Basterds I do quite like him. He is also very good in Twelve Monkeys! The Coen Brothers are a big influence on how I write, cinema has alot to thank them for! This is an awesome blog! Matt12writers
