Friday 15 April 2011

Triangle Review

Triangle is a British/Australian horror film released in 2009. Triangle was written and directed by Christopher Smith. The film star's Melissa George, Michael Dorman, Liam Hemsworth and Emma Lung.

Its very hard to talk about Triangle without giving the end away. Triangle revolves around Jess (Melissa George) who goes on a yachting vacation with some friends. The weather turns bad, very bad and the yacht is capsized. The group survive and make it aboard a much larger boat which seems empty. Then the group start dying one by one until only Jess is left, but she is not the killer.. or is she? Yes and no would be the answer to that question. Jess is stuck in a time loop and has to relive the yacht accident, going on the boat and the death's over and over again. And it is Jess killing them, but only to make sure the rest of the group don't see themselves. I know it sounds very confusing, but please trust me, it does make sense.

I can remember when Triangle first came out, I was not a massive fan of Creep(Director's first film), so this made me hesitant of going to see it, in the end I decided against it, which I now accept as a big mistake. When I finally did see Triangle for the first time, I was at my girlfriends and I was flicking through the channels late at night and saw it was on, a horror film I had not seen and nothing else was on, so I decided to give it a go and I was pleasantly surprised at what I saw.

The film reminds me of The Shinning but set on a boat, and for good reason, when I looked on the trivia for this film, the number 237 crops up which is the room number Danny is told to avoid in the overlook hotel, words written on a mirror, a large ballroom and an axe are all used in this film as they are in Stanley Kubrick's The Shinning. The film's look also reminds me of The Shinning, especially the long hand held shot's through the corridor's.

The name of the yacht they all board at the beginning of the film is named Triangle, this is possibly just the inner myth's geek coming out from inside me but I think this could be a reference to the famous Bermuda Triangle.

Horror films set on boats are very creepy. For me it is the idea of no escape, something happens on a boat your surrounded by water, nobody is there to help you and you have nowhere to go. This terrifies me.

Triangle is a film that is enjoyable on first viewing as much as it is on seconds viewing and third and fourth. This is because you want to watch out for new clue's things you may of missed the first time you watched it.

An excellent piece of film making and some brilliant acting especially from the films lead Melissa George.

Triangle - 4/5

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