Tuesday 16 August 2011

Captain America: The First Avenger Review

Captain America was directed by Joe Johnston (The Wolfman & Jurassic Park 3) and stars Chris Evans (Captain America) Hugo Weaving (Red Skull) Tommy Lee Jones (Colonel Chester Phillips)and Hayley Atwell (Peggy carter)

Im not a big fan of Marvel films, but for some strange reason Captain America really appealed to me. So myself and my girlfriend (who has really suffered with my film choice's recently) decided to go see it, which was a mistake.

The film tells the story of Steve Rogers who gets declined for the army. Rogers then volunteers for a top secret military project that turns him into Captain America. Ultimate fighting machine. When Red Skull threatens to destroy the US, Captain America assembles a team to go and take him down.

First of all, Dominic Cooper plays Howard Stark. I mean really? There aren't enough tie ins to other Marvel films within Marvel films. I would actually like to meet the idiot who thought of putting Iron Man's grandad in this film.

The biggest problem with the film though is that I didn't care about any of the characters. Captain America's best friend falls from a speeding train and down a cliff face and probably died. I didn't care. Captain America had to sacrifice his life to save the US, I didn't care. Captain America's love interest Peggy carter cries and obviously gets upset when she finds out that the Captain will have to kill himself, and to be honest I didn't care. The characters where not real enough.

To be honest Captain America isn't really a good super hero. When I was watching the part I mentioned earlier where the Captains best friend falls to his death, my girlfriend leaned over to me and said " If he was Batman or Superman he could of flown down and saved his mate" which is a good point. What has captain America really got, A shield? Muscle? Loyalty to his country? To be honest... I don't care.

The ending of the film is cringeworthy, Captain America wakes up in 2011 and runs down the street in New York and then gets stopped by Samuel L Jackson, who is putting together a team of Avengers.  Jackson then says "You've been asleep for 70 years cap" Oh dear... oh very dear. I almost cried, it was really that bad. The ending was purposely  put there for The Avengers film due out next year.

I cant help feeling that this movie was only made as a build up to The Avengers film.

There is a plus side to this very disappointing film and that is the supporting cast. Hugo Weaving was as ever brilliant, Tommy Lee Jones actually made me laugh in parts and Hayley Atwell was a very bright spark in a very dull film.

Captain America: The First Avenger - 1/5

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