Tuesday 16 August 2011

Super 8 Review

 In previous blogs I have written about how excited I was for Super 8, and In a summer of disappointing blockbusters J.J Abram's Super 8 shines through, It's so good in-fact, I've seen it twice... so far.

Super 8 tells the story of Joe and Charles making a zombie film when all of a sudden a US Air Force train crashes and something escapes from the wreckage, something large, something non-human.

Where do I start with this review, for some strange reason I love the fact that there are no credits at the start of the film, apart from the film's title, no actors or crew names appear at the start. I like this because I think Abrams is saying "Right enjoy the film and don't focus on the actors in it". This is very clever. The fact that no big stars were cast (The Simpsons actor Dan Castellaneta and Leonard Nimoy both have cameo's) is also clever, Abrams could have had anybody he wanted for this film, but he chose unknown actors for the parts makes the characters they portray much more believable.

The film does remind me of E.T, especially when Joe and Charles are riding their BMX bikes through there small American town. Speilberg obviously had a big hand in the production.

Little touches throughout the film make it extremely enjoyable, dogs going missing and metal things disappearing from all over town make a real mystery as to what the "creature" might be doing in the small town. The mystery of the creature is one of the films strongest draws and keeps the audience entertained throughout.

The films director, J.J Abrams, deserves a lot of credit. The way he introduces the characters at a wake for Joe's mum, is genius. It is a great way of having all the main characters in the same place at the start of the film and we instantly feel sorry for Joe as he has lost his mother. Throughout the film we get to see Joe holding a small necklace. We later find out that this was a necklace that his father gave to his mother and Joe received it when she passed away. In my opinion the best part of the film is at the very end when  the creature has turned the town water tower into his ship and all the metal from the town is stuck to the side of it, and Joe's necklace flies into the air, Joe catches it and then, finally accepting that his mother has gone, he lets it go and it joins the rest of the metal on the creatures ship. Interestingly when the necklace hits the ship, it takes off. Is this Abrams saying that the creature needed some love to be able to return to its home planet? Maybe. But there is something very emotional about this scene. Its a beautiful scene in a beautiful movie.

Super 8 deserves a very high - 4.5/5

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